Queens Cup - Hong Kong International Rhythmic Gymnastics &
Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Invitation Tournament 2016
女皇杯 - 香港國際藝術體操及美學體操邀請賽2016
Queens Cup -HK International Rhythmic Gymnastics & Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Invitation Tournament 2016 will be held on 15th - 20th December 2016, which is the only international Rhythmic Gymnastics competition in Hong Kong & the first ever AGG international competition in HK.
Participants from Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, China, Malaysia, India, Chinese Taipei & Korea will be coming to compete for different categories and striving for The Grand Award - Queens Cup Award.
Miss Queens & Miss Mini Queens (Miss Friendship) will be chosen to represent Queens Cup to promote Rhythmic Gymnastics & friendships of the world in 2016 - 2017. The Group hopes to spread beautiful & graceful Rhythmic Gymnastics to every corner of Hong Kong.
For details, please keep updated to our website for more information.
Honourable Guest:
Ms Tatiana Miroshychenko
IFAGG President
Professor Xia Xi Wei
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine - PE
12th China National Game RG Coordinator (Liaoling,
6th East Asian Game Coordinator (Tianjin, 2013)
RG International Judge
RG China National Judge (Senior)